14 December 2009

New Moon~

whahha, telat bgt kalo baru ngomongin new moon skarang.. maaf sodara sodari bukannya gw telat nonton nih film.. cuma, baru sempat nulis tentang new moon sekarang. hhe.
tadi adalah kali ke dua gw nonton nih film. entah kenapa, dari film pertama juga gw ga ada bosennya nonton berkali-kali, begitu jg film kedua ini. sebenernya sih ga mau juga nonton lagi di bioskop. tapii, berhubung gw cari dvd bajakannya belon keluar, jadinya nonton lagi deehh !!! whahahah. tumben-tumbenan juga dvd bajakan lama kluarnya. biasanya film lagi di tayangin, dvdnya udh nyebar kmana-mana. tapi kenapa newmoon tidaaakk x(
ya sudahlah, tolong bagi yang sudah dapat dvd bajakannya kabari saya. whahahahah. abis, cari di mbah google jg ga dapet downloadan filmnya x(
nasiiib... nasiiibb..

nah, di film kali ini, entah kenapa gw malah jadi suka sama si Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Dan gw, sangat amat tidak sependapat kepada orang-orang yang bilang si Jacob keren. soalnya, menurut gw si Jacob itu mirip salah satu temen kampus gw. wkwkkwk. eheh, bukan berarti ga suka edward lagii!!! edward mah tetep deh nomer satu tapi dia itu TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE ! wkawkawkk. si carlisle juga sii.. tapi mendingan dikit deh xp

sdikit quote dr tuh film yg gw suka :
"I love you. You're my only reason to stay alive... if that's what I am." -- Edward Cullen to Bella Swan.
"It's my birthday, can I ask for something? Kiss me." -- Bella Swan to Edward Cullen.
"It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time." -- Jasper Whitlock to Bella Swan.
"Bella, you're apologising for bleeding?" -- Jacob Black to Bella Swan.
"If a rush of danger is what it takes to see him then that's what I'll find." -- Bella Swan.
"Imagine the situation in reverse." -- Carlisle Cullen to Bella Swan.
"You can't trust vampires... Trust me." -- Edward Cullen to Bella Swan.

Sudahh, cukuupp!! kalo ga di stop, bisa2 naskah 1 film gw tulis semua. wkwkw LEBAII !!!
last deh.. inget yg di volturi. ini si kopas dr web lain, tapi gw suka bgt. Pkoknya Nesarita Budiyenny Like This !! whahaha

Bella Swan: *Runs into Edward in attempt to get in back in the shadows*
Edward Cullen: Heaven.
Bella Swan: You have to move! Open your eyes, look at me. I'm alive. You have to move!
Edward Cullen: *Grabs Bella and goes into the shadows*
Edward Cullen: You're here.
Bella Swan: I'm here.
Edward Cullen: *Smiles* You're alive!
Bella Swan: Yes... I needed you to see me once. You had to know that I was alive. You didn't need to feel guilty about it. I can let you go now.
Edward Cullen: I could never let go of you. I just couldn't live in a world where you didn't exist.
Bella Swan: But you said...
Edward Cullen: I lied. I had to lie, and you believe me so easily.
Bella Swan: *Starts crying* Because it doesn't make sense for you to love me. I'm nothing... Human. Nothing.
Edward Cullen: Bella, you're everything to me. Everything.

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